New £250,000 scholarship scheme for talented riding instructors
The British Horse Society (BHS) is investing £250,000 in a new scholarship scheme to encourage the best instructors across the UK.
It is also hoped to boost the number of qualified BHS assistant instructors (AI) by helping with the costs of training, BHS Stage Three and Preliminary Teaching Test examinations and the first year on the BHS register of instructors.
“As the largest provider of equestrian education and qualifications in the UK, we feel that it is our duty to do all that we can to inspire those individuals who will truly make a difference to the future of our industry,” said a BHS spokesman.
“We understand that it can be financially difficult to reach the level of qualification required when aspiring to develop a career in equestrianism. This is often the stumbling block for many talented individuals and we have taken steps to invest in this area to remove these barriers.
“It is our intention that the scholarship will enable the individuals to train and gain industry experience to ensure that they become well-rounded and knowledgeable instructors.”
Each year the BHS will contribute significant funds to support the costs of training, examinations and the first year’s membership of the BHS register of instructors as a newly qualified BHSAI.
“At the heart of this scholarship, we celebrate the life and the legacy of Margot Tiffany BHSI and feel honoured to have received a legacy for this scholarship in her name in addition to further funds supported by many of Margot’s friends and family,” the spokesman added.
“The Margot Tiffany Legacy Fund contributes to the significant BHS fund being directed to support our future generation through this scholarship scheme.”
Margot was a BHS trustee and esteemed instructor who died last year (9 April).
Successful applicants will be selected by a panel of BHS centre proprietors, BHS staff and industry experts.
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Read more about the shcolarship scheme at